
Our industrial solutions aids with all phases of your operations. Our system can verify normal activities and provide information to help proactively assess and analyse your network to determine and implement improvements.

At times of event or crisis our systems will instantly raise alarms, help maintain the safety of personnel and equipment, then offer possible solutions to avoid or fix abnormalities to minimise effects of the event.

We are first line of defense against potentially dangerous and costly power fluctuations.

Read more about your production phases and what our systems can do for you.

Our Industrial solutions

Our industrial solutions can monitor and control an industrial plant or facility, be it a nationwide business or a global enterprise. This is done through networked intelligent energy meters and relays linked to our monitoring software. Hardware can be selected to match to the exact requirements of the location being monitored.

Flexible communications connect to software that retrieves, aggregates, and processes meter, relay, and circuit breaker data, records it and notifies operations staff of alarm conditions. Integrate data from existing building and process management systems so you can incorporate energy reliability initiatives, such as power quality monitoring and network asset management.

Remove guesswork and discover which initiatives offer the highest potential of improving energy reliability. Optimise your infrastructure and make the most efficient use of your power distribution system to meet production goals.

Get started on your energy management and cost reduction solution today.

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